What is a Housz?
OurHousz offers an uninterrupted possession of a “suite” in a traditional style home. The rights to possession are extended by the acquisition of shares equal to the value of a suite. Some properties have three suites and some have four suites. Each has a common area of a living and dining room, and a kitchen, guest bath, interior hallway, outdoor patio, laundry, exercise, garage, workshop, and storage area. The properties are divided equally in ownership between the “rezidents” and OurHousz. Property taxes, insurance, maintenance and utilities (PIMU) are divided equally among rezidents. OurHousz does not participate in the monthly coverage of PIMU. These portions and a remittance on the balance of the purchase price of shares in the suite are remitted monthly by each shareholder in the property. Uninterrupted possession of a suite continues for a shareholder rezident for as long as rezident wishes. When shares are paid in full a shareholder is only responsible for PIMU. Rezidents shares in property increase in equity as shares are paid and as/if property value increases. Should the rezident wish to move to another OurHousz property, the equity value in rezident’s current shares can be transferred to another suite in the OurHousz system. The rezident’s new obligation would be the sum of the acquisition of the new suite, less equity appreciation from the previous suite. There is a transfer fee remittable to OurHousz for the sum of $2,399. Should the rezident wish to exit the OurHousz system the rezident can sell the shares owned at market value to a new rezident or OurHousz. The sale fee is 1.5% of the share value. Should rezident wish to rent the occupied suite, OurHousz will facilitate a renter and manage the suite on behalf of the rezident. The management fee is 7% of the monthly rental. Rezidents can also sell shares of their suites to other rezidents to raise capital within an “Enterprize” program managed by OurHousz, giving other rezidents the opportunity to earn dividends on invested capital. The Enterprize fee is 1.5% of the enterprized amount. In sum, the OurHousz Rezident has an uninterrupted right to possession of a suite in the OurHousz property profile with all the privileges of traditional home ownership including equity appreciation, refinancing opportunities, and rental income generation.
You own a place to live
You own in a traditional home
It costs less to keep
You earn equity
You can borrow on it and get money
You can rent it and make money
Come live in a Housz.